For most of us, spring is in full force. Campsites are beginning to fill up and outdoor enthusiasts are starting to hit the trails. However navigating the unstable climate change that happens in New England during the spring can bring unique challenges for campers. If you donโ€™t pack the right essentials, youโ€™re camping trip could end up being a washout.

Here are some must-have spring camping essentials that will help you brave the elements.

Dry and comfortable sleeping

Tricky weather can make Spring camping hard to pack for, especially when it comes to sleeping. Like tents, sleeping bags and mats are designed for a variety of elements and temperatures. You will want to choose a sleeping bag that gives you enough insulation from the ground but without creating a sauna in your tent. You will also want something that is easy to clean and extremely portable for trail camping. Be sure to choose a warm sleeping bag or mat as spring temperatures can be chilly at night.

Waterproof your valuables

Similar to the ups and downs of spring temperatures is the unpredictable weather patterns and the chance for rain on any given day at any given time. Waterproof backpacks and duffel bags are a good idea as they are designed to keep all of your gear dry and free of debris. ย Selecting something that is lightweight is perfect if youโ€™re heading out on a kayaking trip and need to take your phone or other electronics. Also finding a liner that is very lightweight and waterproof can be important. Even if your backpack isnโ€™t waterproof, if you put your clothes in this bag inside your backpack you wonโ€™t have to worry about them getting wet.

Start a fire the easy way

Regardless of the time of year, building a fire is at the top of basic survival skills needed to navigate the great outdoors. To speed along the process of collecting and chopping up kindle, make sure you always have a Camping Hatchet in your pack. Not only is it useful for chopping up small pieces of wood, but itโ€™s also great to have with you on a hike, and you decide to go off the beat and path. For getting your fire started quickly, always have a Magnesium Fire starter with you. It will be a lifesaver when the inevitable spring rains pay you a visit, and your kindle becomes exposed to moisture. Unlike matches and lighters, magnesium fire starters are unaffected by water. Not having a handy fire starter with you could make or break your camping trip.

Looking for a fabulous weekend of family fun or couples get away? Look no further then Acorn Acres located in Bozrah CT, Connecticut’s best campground. Call us today or book your trip online at